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Negru Intens Coada Cu Cleste

The natural ponytail with pliers Intense Black


The attachable/false ponytailis made of natural Remy hair toned Intense Black, from the Premium- Extra Volume spectrum.

The ponytail with pliers „Intense Black” helps you obtain a spectacular look in just a few seconds.

Grab your hair in a tail or a bun and you steady the pliers that the ponytail comes with. You can easily create either a cozy look or a sophisticated one, as you please.

The ponytail with pliers will be untraceable because is made of 100% natural hair.

It is recommended especially for the ones with short hair.

Cod toned: 1
Tip Par: 100% Natural
Textura Par: Drept
Mod de aplicare: Cleste
Termorezistent: Da
Vopsire: Da
Lungime: 40-45 cm

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