Straight Hair Ponytail Brown with Highlights
Straight Hair Ponytail Brown with Highlights
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Straight Hair Ponytail Brown with Highlights
Straight Hair Ponytail Brown with Highlights

Straight Hair Ponytail Brown with Highlights


Lungimi Disponibile

Synthetic Hair Clip-In Ponytail

The synthetic hair ponytail is the perfect solution for a stylish hairstyle in just a few seconds. Made from high-quality synthetic fiber, it mimics the look of natural hair by 90% and is heat-resistant up to 130°C.

How to Apply:

1. Tie your hair into a simple ponytail or bun using an elastic band.

2. Insert the comb above the elastic in your ponytail. Ensure the comb’s prongs slide through the elastic to secure the ponytail firmly.

3. The comb will help lift and secure the ponytail, adding volume and stability.

4. Wrap the ribbons around the base of the ponytail to reinforce the hold.

5. Finally, take a strand of hair from the back of the ponytail and wrap it around the ribbons to conceal them, achieving a more natural and polished look.

Product Details:

- Hair Type: Synthetic Fiber  

- Hair Texture: Straight  

- Application Method: Comb + Ribbon  

- Heat Resistant: Up to 130°C  

- Dyeing: No  

-Color code: 60

Synthetic fiber products require careful maintenance to retain their appearance and durability. That's why we recommend our Belher care range, which includes shampoo, mask, spray, and serum, along with the Gold Brush made with natural bristles for gentle treatment.

The synthetic hair ponytail is the perfect solution for a stylish hairstyle in just a few seconds. Made from high-quality synthetic fiber, it mimics the look of natural hair by 90% and is heat-resistant up to 130°C.

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